josh richard Fork me on GitHub


Josh Richard is a Full Stack Developer, Security Researcher, Maker, and IT Professional working in South Louisiana

Success Story

    Hi, I wanted to thank you for your site. Last October (2008) My son ran away from home. After one month of not being able to find him, I came across your site and used it in Myspace profile. I then sent My son messages hoping that he would log into his. I was able to tempt him to click onto my profile to look at photos of the family wishing him well and miss u messages. He did, and I was able to trace him 4 hours away in another town. I called the authorities there and they located him within 12 hours. he is now safe and doing well. User
July 15, 2009

Hackers For Charity (HFC) Member of The Internet Defense League HOUR of CODE Challenge Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) DC225 | DEF CON 225 | Baton Rouge DEFCON Hacking Group
